UMKC职业生涯自动扶梯是一个令人兴奋的新项目,它向任何主要项目开放,从第一天起就将您与职业和学术指导联系起来, 帮助你支付学费,指引你走向光明的未来.

What Is UMKC Professional Career Escalators?

你想在接下来的四年里省下一大笔住宿费或学费吗? What if we could help you get ready for grad school? 或者向你展示你的热情如何转化为你余生所热爱的职业?


No matter your major, 职业生涯自动扶梯可以告诉你,你所热衷的课程如何转化为四个新兴行业中的一个有趣的职业机会.

pce logo

Professional Career Escalators Industry Opportunities

Health care


Business and engineering

Law and justice

What Do Our Students Think?

How Will Professional Career Escalators Help Me Pay for School?

How Does Professional Career Escalators Work?


  1. Career guidance and development
  2. Experiential learning opportunities (e.g., job shadowing and internships)
  3. Mentoring with faculty experts and community professionals
  4. Graduate and professional school preparation
  5. 领导力发展(奖励:学生可以选择通过参加额外的领导力活动来获得PCE领导力证书)

Optional PCE Leadership Credential

“专业职业扶梯领导力+”项目让学生通过将他们的技能提升到一个新的水平,更深入地发展他们的领导力. 选择参加PCE领导力+的学生将深入了解各种领导力主题. 学生将有机会了解自己作为领导者的优势, explore their emotional intelligence, 并在校园和社区中发挥领导作用. 领导力+项目将为学生提供反思的空间,并在项目结束时为学生提供分享领导力作品集的机会.

What is the Expected Time Commitment in PCE?

View examples of what your first year in the program may look like. Each year the time commitment will be similar, 但随着毕业的临近,每项核心体验的重点都会发生变化. Note: Checklist requirements are subject to change.

First Time College Students Year 1 Requirements (PDF)

Transfer Students Year 1 Requirements (PDF)

Students talking in classroom

Still not sure how it works?

The program is open to students in any degree program. While studying your chosen subject matter, you will be making professional connections, through mentorships, internships and job shadowing, to area organizations and businesses who work in a related field. 看看这些从学位到职业的例子,以及它们是如何适应该课程的职业轨迹的.


  • 医疗保健——有执照的心理学家、临床社会工作者、行为健康专家
  • Education - K-12 counselor, child psychologist
  • 商业和工程-市场营销,人力资源,领导力顾问
  • 法律和司法-法医心理学家,社区倡导者,律师


  • Health care - Movement therapist, art therapist
  • Education - K-12 theatre instructor, fine arts teacher
  • 商业和工程-音频工程,灯光工程,戏剧制作
  • Law and justice - Social advocate for the arts

Film and Media Arts

  • Healthcare: digital content creator, virtual reality producer
  • 学历:媒体教师、公关人员、媒体内容总监
  • 商务/工程类:营销主管、音响工程技术人员、摄影师、播客
  • content creator, camera/lighting technician
  • Law and Justice: entertainment law, social justice journalist (podcaster; documentary films)


  • 医疗保健:医药销售、公关专员、品牌经理
  • 学历:培训与发展协调员、市场经理、公关总监
  • 商业/工程类:数据科学家、销售工程师、人力资源
  • Law and Justice: social & community service manager, law office manager, nonprofit fundraiser

Criminal Justice and Criminology

  • 医疗保健:法医心理学家,青少年行为联络员,门诊辅导员,法医护士
  • Education: social worker, school resource officer
  • 商业/工程:计算机取证、人力资源、调解员、应急管理
  • director, financial examiner
  • Law and Justice: parole officer, lawyer, forensic scientist, detective, agent (DEA, FBI), investigative reporter
students on stairwell

How Do I Apply?

Professional Career Escalators - Career U

Starting in Fall 2023, UMKC职业生涯自动扶梯将通过PCE-Career U与高中三年级和四年级学生建立联系. 新计划将在整个学年提供各种与职业相关的研讨会,向学生介绍UMKC和职业生涯自动扶梯计划. 高中生将有机会从事职业探索, professional development, network with Kansas City-area professionals, and connect with current students in the collegiate PCE program. Workshops are hosted twice a month in-person and virtually.
要了解更多信息并报名参加即将到来的PCE-Career U研讨会或活动,请点击 here.

Roo Academy Graphic

Meet Our People

Mako Miller

Mako Miller

Director, Professional Career Escalators
Phone Number: 816-235-6476
Amanda LaGue

Amanda LaGue

Assistant Director, Professional Career Escalators
Phone Number: 816-235-2196
Connor Davis

Connor Davis

Phone Number: 816-235-6430

Have Questions?